
Playing Stars!

Reports list all statistics for all your planets and fleets, other player's fleets you know about, and battles.

⇒        Hide columns by clicking on the column label and selecting Hide column name.

⇒        Show a hidden column by clicking on any column and selecting Show column name.

⇒        Choose a new sort order by clicking on the label and choosing forward or reverse order.

⇒        Go to any item by clicking on its associated cell in the report.

⇒        Display related popup information by clicking on the statistics.

Planet names -- a yellow dot next to the name indicates a starbase capable of building ships. A blue dot indicates a starbase unable to build ships. A green dot indicates the planet has a stargate, a purple dot indicates the planet has a mass accelerator.

Keyboard Shortcuts

F3 opens the Planet Summary Report, then toggles to successive reports: second press opens the Fleet Summary Report for your fleets; third press opens the Other's Fleet Summary Report; fourth press opens the Battle Summary Report; fifth closes the report window.

The ESC key closes a report.

Sorting Report Fields

Sort any report by a specific field type:

⇒        Right click on a column header and select one of the popup options.

Reports handle up to two levels of sorting. For example, you can sort your planets by mineral content, then sort by starbases. The end result will have your planets sorted according to starbase type, with planets with identical starbases sorted according to mineral content.

How the Sort Order Affects the Display Order of Planets and Fleets

You can change the order in which planets and fleets are displayed in the Command pane using the Reports form.

⇒        Click on a column header and change the sort order by selecting one of the options.

For planets, this matches the order in which planets appear in the Planet tile and Production dialog with the order shown in the Planet report. For fleets, this changes the order in which fleets appear in the Fleet tile.

Dumping (Exporting) Information to a Text File

To export basic information about the universe, planets and fleets to an plain text file, choose the Dump to Text command from the Reports menu. Each option (Universe, Planet, or Fleet) produces a file with the same base name of the current game and an extension of either .map (for the universe), .pla (for a planet) or .fle (for a fleet).

You can also print a map of the universe using the File (Print Map) menu item.

Learn about:

Planet Reports

Fleet Reports

Battle Reports